Endless TV Tycoon
October 13, 2023
Dev Diary 3/2023: Progress on the Next Update
In The Next Update of Endless Studio...
The big new feature in the next update (2023.7) will be the ability to Switch Shows to Different Networks, and you can see in the video we posted to our insta that we already made progress in implementing it.
The new feature will allow you to find a new home for a show that gets cancelled by its network… but that’s not all: you’ll also be able to do this for shows that haven’t been cancelled at all, thus trying to find a better network for your successful in-production shows! 😊
There will also be a third situation where you can switch your shows but we’ll talk about that next week… so stay tuned! 📺
Feature Voting Status Report
The first week of the first ever Feature Voting Phase has passed and the result are in: In just one week 23 of Endless Studio's biggest fans subscribed for the Level 2 tier, which allows each of them to distribute 10 votes among 68 features, as they wish.
And with all these votes the current Top 5 features are:
- Spin-offs, Franchises, Reboots: 46 votes
- Critics & Awards: 35 votes
- Negotiating Renewal Offers: 19 votes
- Translation Project: 10 votes
- Planned Show Endings & Fans of Shows: 5 votes each
If you haven't yet but would also like to vote for features you want to be developed next, subscribe (or upgrade) to the Level 2 Supporter Subscription! Voting will conclude with the next update, and then we'll announce a winner and start a new voting phase.
That's it for now, have a great weekend and fun building your studios! We’ll keep you updated on all developments, so stay tuned! 📺